Jen’s Current Project

Dear Supporters and Art by Jen Enthusiasts,

I am delighted to introduce you to a current project that is steadily working towards an exciting exhibition. I am Jen Allen, an artist dedicated to capturing the essence of human stories through paint, and I am thrilled to share the progress of this unique endeavour with you.

Let me tell you more…

My new project is titled : Backstage in Blackpool

The Concept:

‘Backstage in Blackpool’ is an art project that delves into the vibrant and unseen world behind the curtains of Blackpool’s renowned entertainment scene.

Through a series of intimate and evocative paintings, this project aims to portray the emotional and physical preparations of performers, actors, circus acts, singers, dance troupes, magicians, comedians and variety stars as they transition from their public life to their show character.

Over the coming weeks, I will be visiting the many world-class and varied entertainment venues here in Blackpool. More than that, I’ll be backstage using photography and sketches, to begin to document the fascinating process, as the performers ready themselves to dazzle the audience.

These moments, filled with anticipation, vulnerability, and artistry, will be meticulously translated onto canvas resulting in a brand new and exciting collection of painted studies, finished portraits, sketches and large-scale paintings showcasing the varied people who take the stage night after night and bring a smile to us all. The resulting exhibition will celebrate the dedication, creativity, and magic that happens away from the spotlight.

Having worked in the entertainment industry myself, both scenic painting and as a speed painting performer in variety shows, I have a particular affinity with performers of all kinds and a personal interest in the backstage world.

For me, the most exciting part of Backstage in Blackpool is the collaboration, not only of the performers who will be featured in my new works (I’m aiming to be the modern age Toulouse Lautrec!) but also to be supported by you, my collectors and supporters of my art.

The Exhibition:

Once completed, ‘Backstage in Blackpool’ will feature a collection original paintings, each depicting a distinct aspect of backstage life, along with supporting sketches and drawings, prints and merchandise. The exhibition will be hosted at a prominent local gallery or venue in Blackpool. In addition to the visual display, there will be interactive talks, and events designed to engage the community and provide deeper insights into the art and the performers depicted.

I’ve already had interest expressed from a very prestigious art gallery to showcase the completed exhibition. My dream goal is to host this exhibition in this prestigious gallery, with a UK tour to follow. This could increase interest in my work, raise my profile and, in turn, lift the value of my works both past and present.

Preserving Heritage:

This project is not just about art; it’s about documenting and preserving the heritage of Blackpool's vibrant performance culture for posterity. By capturing these backstage moments, we are creating a visual archive that honours the performers and their contributions to Blackpool’s rich cultural tapestry. These paintings will serve as a testament to the talent and dedication that have made Blackpool a renowned entertainment hub.

The Impact:

‘Backstage in Blackpool’ aims to foster a deeper appreciation for the performing arts, highlight the dedication of its performers, and create a meaningful connection between the community and the performers. Your support will ensure that this exhibition is accessible to a wide audience.

This is where I really need your help :

To bring ‘Backstage in Blackpool’ to its full potential, I need the support of art lovers, patrons, and community members. Your backing will help cover the costs of materials, development time, venue rental, marketing, and hosting of the events that will accompany the exhibition. By supporting this project, you are not only helping to bring an artistic vision to life but also celebrating and preserving the vibrant cultural scene of Blackpool.

In the old days, a lucky artist had a wealthy patron who would support them as they created their new body of work.

I’ve not got a wealthy patron (yet!) so I’m hoping you may consider becoming one of my Backstage in Blackpool Backers!

Become a Backstage in Blackpool Backer:

I invite you to be a part of this exciting journey. Together, we can create an exhibition that not only showcases beautiful art but also tells powerful stories of passion, resilience, and creativity. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant difference in bringing ‘Backstage in Blackpool’ to life.

I’ve put together several reward packages that I’d love for you to consider contributing towards, so I can spend the next four months researching, documenting, sketching and painting this brand-new collection.

Each tier offers unique Jen Allen goodies, including originals. As the tiers increase, availability is limited. You can secure original art created for this exhibition before I even begin!

As a Backstage in Blackpool Backer, every contribution helps. Without your kind support, I’d simply not be able to spend the necessary time creating these new works.

Thank you for your time and consideration in supporting this project. I look forward to sharing the extraordinary stories of Blackpool’s performers with you and the wider community.

OK, let me tempt you with the following rewards and I hope you will become a Backstage in Blackpool Backer!

£10 Tier

Availability: Unlimited
  • Access to my Backstage in Blackpool private blog featuring regular updates, photos, videos and notes.
  • First access to my videos of weekly round ups and clips from behind the scenes.
  • Your name printed in my Backstage in Blackpool souvenir exhibition brochure.

£25 Tier

Availability: Unlimited
  • All the above, plus…
  • 1 x VIP ticket to my exhibition and private view*
  • 1 x Signed, Backstage in Blackpool exhibition souvenir brochure (RRP £15)

£50 Tier

Availability: Unlimited (MOST POPULAR)
    • All the £10 package rewards, plus…
    • 2 x VIP tickets to my exhibition and private view*.
    • 2 x Signed, Backstage in Blackpool exhibition souvenir brochure (RRP £15)
    • A signed, souvenir Backstage in Blackpool poster print of a selection of my art produced for my exhibition.

Interest free payment options are available at check-out, so you can spread the cost of one of the higher tier packages below.


10 available – 6 REMAINING
    • All the £50 package rewards, plus…
    • An ORIGINAL Backstage in Blackpool mounted sketch from my collection/exhibition (RRP £450+)


5 available – 4 REMAINING
    • All the £250 package rewards, plus…
    • A private ONE-TO-ONE 30-minute video chat to talk about my Backstage in Blackpool exhibition plans, my work and process, the evolution of the Backstage in Blackpool project and answer any questions you might wish to ask.
    • An ORIGINAL Backstage in Blackpool 20 x 20” PAINTING from my exhibition (RRP £1295). Reserved for delivery to you after they have been exhibited in galleries.


2 available
    • All the £250 package rewards, plus…
    • A private ONE-TO-ONE 30-minute video chat to talk about my exhibition plans, my work and process, the evolution of the project and answer any questions you might wish to ask.
    • An ORIGINAL Backstage in Blackpool 30 x 30” PAINTING from my exhibition (RRP £2495). Reserved for delivery to you after they have been exhibited in Galleries.


1 available
  • All the £2500 package rewards, plus…
  • FIRST SELECTION of ANY of the Backstage in Blackpool featured original artworks, including up to 72 x 48” (RRP £4995). Reserved for delivery to you after they have been exhibited in Galleries. (Only ONE of these packages are available for the serious collector, which include THREE original Backstage in Blackpool paintings (1 x 20×20”, 1 x 30×30” and 1 x larger work) plus ONE original Backstage in Blackpool sketch – giving you £9000 worth of Jen Allen original art created for Backstage in Blackpool!)

* VIP ticket to the Backstage in Blackpool private view, includes champagne and meet-and-greet with Jen for the project exhibition which will take place in Blackpool in the latter half 2024/early 2025. Please note; you will be liable for travel and accommodation expenses.

T&Cs – Backers must be over 18 years old. By contributing funds in exchange for rewards you agree that your contribution is made voluntarily and at your own risk. Contributions are non-refundable, except as required by applicable law. Unless specified, all original artwork created for this project will be available to backers in the different tiers on a first come, first served basis. Artwork will not be allocated until all exhibitions have been fulfilled. By contributing, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Disclaimer – As a creative with a project goal, I will do everything in my power to fulfil this project culminating in an exhibition. Should I not be able to host the exhibition in a suitable gallery, an alternative venue will be found. The Backstage in Blackpool exhibition will be held in Blackpool, with an aim to tour other galleries and venues if sufficient interest is shown. Backers will be kept informed throughout of my progress via email and project private blog.

For more information about Backstage in Blackpool – Please email me at or use the form below